How to create a personalised task list
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    How to create a personalised task list

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    Article summary

    A personalised task list helps manage both individual and team tasks in one place. With multiple search options, you can create a worklist by employee, department, or task status (see detailed search options below). The task list can be shared with groups, used to create timesheet entries, and track task progress, providing users with a comprehensive view of all their tasks.

    Step 1: Navigate to JobBag menu > Active Diary (JBX) > List View

    Step 2: Choose search/task list options

    Choose search options: Assigned to, date type, date range, task status

    What are some of the options available in the task search window ?

    Search Options


    Assigned to

    Choose whose tasks you would like to search/include in the task list. Set up task lists for yourself or your team

    • Employees - Select individual or multiple employees

    • Roles - List of tasks by role (Creative Director, Designer)

    • Departments - List of tasks by Department (Creative, Studio)

    • Not assigned - list of tasks not assigned to anyone


    Choose a date type and a date range for the task list

    Choose a Date type:

    • No Dates: Search/Included tasks which do not have dates

    • Suggested Dates: Proposed scheduled dated

    • Actual Dates: Booked/Locked in dates

    • Choose a date range:

    Task status

    Great way to track the progress of each task by status. For example

    • Potential

    • Proposed

    • Active

    • completed

    These may vary by client

    Job types

    Create list by your active job types. For example

    • Brand

    • Print Creative

    • Digital Media

    These may vary by client

    Budget types

    • No Budget - Tasks with no budget

    • Value only - Tasks with Value only

    • Minutes and Value - Task with minutes (Internal tasks)

    • Units and Vale - Tasks with Units ( External tasks)


    Search by priorities stars

    • 1 Star

    • 2 Star

    • 3 Star

    • 4 Star

    • 5 Star


    What are the options available in the ellipsis menu (3 Dots)?



    Show Search

    Review and update search filters


    Share list with others in your team


    Pin the Task list to the side bar menu, for easy access


    Rename the Task list

    Save as

    Save Task list


    Delete the list

    How can a task list help me?

    Save a dynamic list of the tasks related to a specific goal or project. This means that the list will always be up-to-date with tasks set for the project.

    Save a dynamic list of tasks for yourself or your team, for a time period. This means that the list will always be updated when new tasks come in.

    Need more help? 

    Please contact support call 02 8115 8090 or email

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