Job lIsting Report
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    Job lIsting Report

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    Article summary

    Job Listing Report Fields

    The Job Listing report must be configured by the user, to define the preferred data columns and sort options.

    Step 1

    •  select Job Listing from drop down list
    •  right click on the report layout headings’
    •  click on ‘set columns’

    Step 2:    Select columns from the lists on the left hand side of the screen:

    The data fields grouped as below:

    Within each of the groups, there is are data fields available for inclusion in the reports.

    Names of column headings can be edited.

    Definition of Field Groups

     Field Groups  Description 
     Contact  Information about the client contact on job from the address book 
     Invoices  Details of invoices on the job - including test invoices 
     Keywords  Keywords used on the job 
     Payments and Receipts  Costs entered without an invoice 
     Quotes and Estimates  Info about Quotes and calculated values 
     Tasks  Planned tasks on the job 

    Definition of Data Fields

    Contact details –Information about the client contact on the job

    In-house Costs:

     Field Name  Description 
     IH Cost  Timesheet hours x cost rate used on job; this can be either employee cost or kind cost; also in-house items x cost rate on item 
     IH Items  Amount of item units on a job 
     IH Value  Timesheet hours x charge rate; in-house items x charge rate; rate can be either employee’s charge rate or kind’s charge rate or a special charge rate for a job or client 

    Invoices: – Information about invoices created on the job


     Field Name  Description 
     (Sub)Kind or item  (Sub)Kind or item 
     (Sub)Kind or item name  (Sub)Kind or item name 
     Account Executive Name  Account Executive Name 
     Arena  This is an additional classification of the client 
     Category  Category 
     Client Code  Client Code 
     Closed  This does not apply these days. A long time ago, due to disk space constraints information on jobs was cleaned out and jobs were marked as “closed” 
     Created on  Created on – date and time 
     Date made dead  Date job status changed to dead 
     Deadline  Deadline date 
     Div code  Division code 
     Is external  Use this when reporting on kind codes – “no” means in house cost and “yes” means it is an external cost 
     Is overhead job  Overhead job 
     Job no  Job number 
     Job title  Job title 
     Kind or node  Kind or node 
     Kind or node name  Kind or node name 
     Last modified on  Last modified on date 
     Latest WIP note  Latest WIP note from communication 
     Master job no  Master job number 
     Month made dead  Month the jobs was made dead 
     Opened  Date the job was made live 
     Period  Period 
     Phase code  Phase code 
     Product description  Product description 
     Status  Status of the job, eg. Live, Complete etc 

    Keywords – Keywords used on the job

    Misc Financial

     Field Name  Description 
     % Profit  (Billings minus actual costs) / billings x 100 
     Available Ext Value  Estimated external value minus actual external value 
     Available Int Value  Estimate internal value minus actual internal value 
     Billed this month (ex GST)  Total of invoices billed this month 
     Ext Cost  Total of suppliers’ invoices 
     Future Forecast  Total of value in the forecast tab for future months 
     Invoiced - Quoted  Total invoiced amount minus quoted amount 
     Profit  Actual billings less cost 
     QE External Value  External value on estimate 
     QE in-house value  Value of in-house hours on estimate 
     Total Value  Total of in-house and external value on job 

    Payments and Receipts

     Field Name  Description 
     Bank cost  Costs from direct payments; these do not have a supplier invoice 
     Bank Value  The bank cost plus the mark up 

    Purchase Orders

     Field Name  Description 
     Outstanding PO Cost  Outstanding amount on purchase order 
     PO Cost  Cost on purchase order 
     PO Nos  Purchase order numbers 
     PO PAYG  PAYG on talent purchase order 
     PO Tax  GST on purchase order 

    Quotes and Estimates

     Field Name  Description 
     Budget - Actual Cost  Quoted amount minus actual costs 
     QE Amount - QE Cost  Quote amount minus quote cost 
     QE Hours  Hours specified on quote 
     QE Nos  Quote number 
     QE Service Fee  Service fee charged on quote 
     Quoted - Actual Hours  Quoted hours minus actual hours 
     Quoted - Value  Quoted amount minus value of hours and costs 

    Supplier Invoices

     Field Name  Description 
     Sinv Cost  Supplier invoice cost 
     Sinv Nos  Supplier invoice number 
     Sinv PAYG  PAYG on talent supplier invoice 
     Sinv Suppliers  Supplier name 


     Field Name  Description 
     Task hours  Planned hours 
     Task Value  Total value for a task 

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