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Editing a Kind
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Follow these steps to edit a kind.
1. Select Kinds through the JobBag window. 2. Expand the category containing the kind. 3. Highlight the kind code and click the Edit button 4. Make whatever changes are required. 5. Select to save the changes to the kind. 6. Procedure complete.
Note: Once a kind has been used on any record in the system it will not be possible to set it
as a ‘node’ to contain sub-kinds
Follow these steps to change a kind to a sub-kind within a node.
1. Create a new kind as a node. 2. Select the kind that is to become a sub-kind and move it by holding down the mouse
3. Drag the kind over the node and release the mouse button.
Note: The kind automatically becomes a sub-kind within the node it was dragged over.
4. Procedure complete.
Order Makes A Difference! The order of categories and kinds in the Kinds window determines the order they are displayed throughout JobBag and in reports such as quotes, or orders. This procedure can be used to adjust the entire kind structure as well as change the order in which kinds are displayed.
Note: Kinds and sub-kinds can only be moved to a place that can contain a kind or sub-kind. Items
can only be moved to kinds that are set to contain items.
Remember: The kinds required by the system (found in the category ‘System Maintained’) can be
moved and renamed but they cannot be deleted
Follow these steps to reorder the kinds:
1. Select Kinds through the JobBag window. 2. Expand the category containing the kinds to be reordered OR click the icon to
expand all categories.
3. Select the kind or category you want to move by holding down the mouse button. 4. Drag the kind to its new position and drop.
Note: The category/kind being moved is positioned below the category/kind you drag it over
5. Procedure complete.