Digital (and social) media management requires more flexibility in editing media budgets over time as compared with traditional media. JobBag's Media feature allows users to update budgets progressively with fewer restrictions, and users may not need to raise purchase orders (depending on their organisation's requirements).
Create Kinds for internal media production costs (eg., Project Management, Search Engine, Design).
Create a “Digital Media” job type.
Create default planning templates which use the KINDS created in no 1 above
When a digital type job is created, the tasks in the default planning template are loaded into the job i.e. the planning window is updated with the tasks; timesheets are entered against these tasks. The client invoice is not created from these tasks.
House as a “Media Supplier” or create an In-house Media Supplier address book record.
Create a media plan. There should be 2 lines; the first line is for the work an external media supplier is undertaking, and the second line for internal costs.
Change the status of the internal production work to “Booked” as this is an internal process and a PO is not required.
Create PO for media plan - but do not approve it till month end - because the amount spent in a month will most probably be different from the original plan.
At month-end, amend the media plan and PO to match the amount spent on the digital platform. The PO will be equal to the supplier invoice received from the digital platform.