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Time and Item Reports
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Time and Item Reports
Time Sheet Listing
Time and cost report displays: date,hours cost, value, job details.The user is able to define the data required and the totaling and grouping options in the screen below:
Step1: Select the data you wish to view
Step 2: Output Options- select required totalling and grouping and the required level of detail from below
Step 2a Right click in this space to view full list of totalling and grouping output options
Highlight and click to select the data you wish to total and group by.
Step 2b: Total and group by these fields. Change the order of grouping by either using the left / right arrow keys or drag and to change the order of the grouping.
Step 3: To print report refer to Overview
Step 4: To save report selection options refer to Overview
Item and General Charges
Displays cost charges for client, job, date and number of units.
Step 1: Complete the above as below:
Field Name | Descriptions |
Item charges | select items charges |
Include Reversals | select reversals |
Filter on Clients | select clients |
Select Divisions | select divisions |
Report Layout | refer below for options available |
Step 2: Right click anywhere in the heading space and select “set columns”
From the list below select your required data and grouping/totalling options.
Select{{ jobbag_help:reports_menu:tme_and_item_reports_pict10.png?109 }} to save options
Step 3: To print report refer to Overview
Step 4: To save report selection options refer to Overview
Timesheet Monitoring
Displays employee, date, expected hour, actual hours, cost, value. This report only displays days if the employee was employed at that time and if time sheets have recorded on that day.
Step 1 Select data options: date range, employee, approved leave
Step 2: Select output options: show costs, show values
Step 3: To print report refer to Overview
Step 4: To save report selection options refer to Overview
Time Variance
The Time Variance report is about staff utilisation/billable hours and value. It gives an insight into where all the time is going, and whether your team is meeting the expectations that you set for them. It measures:
- the amount of time that you are expecting employees to record timesheets for
- the amount of time that you expected to be on client jobs, and therefore billable time
- the value of the billable time and whether that matched your expectations, and
- compares the actual utilisation against the expected utilisation
Your expectations for billable hours are set in the Employees window.
Step 1: Select from list of Options
Field Name | Description |
Default Charge | It is possible for an employee to be set up without a charge rate. This report requires a charge rate - you could specify a default rate. |
Performance levels | Select either all or under performers or over performers nly |
Step 2: Select from list of suggested options
If you select show details. you will see each day within the date range that you specified in selection options (above). If you only want to get the total for each employee, turnoff show details.
Step 3: Totaling and Grouping refer to Overview
Step 4: To print report refer to Overview
Step 5: To save report selection options refer to Overview
Time Revenue Analysis
Report displays: Employee, Value, Invoiced, Write off, WIP
Note: This report includes the results of monthly WIP & Accruals process.
Step 1: Select from list of options
Field Name | Description |
Include reversals | Include reversals to view a more accurate info |
* Confirmed - the confirmed figures (from the jobs that you have confirmed)
- Applied to GL -the WIP as it has been applied to the GL
Step 2: Totaling and Grouping
Field Name | Description |
Sub Grouping | Select either : Division or Job Type or Kind |
Step 3: To print report refer to Overview
Step 4: To save report selection options refer to Overview
Employee Capacity Report
Employee capacity report displays:
Field Name | Description |
Hourly Rate | Hourly rate of employee - this is set in the employee screen or the selected default rate is used |
Dollar Value _ potential chargeable value | This is the Employee Capacity - it is the potential chargeable value for the time frame specified when the report. It is adjusted for any leave events that appear in the employee’s Active Diary. |
Contribution Margin at Capacity % | Percentage of contribution margin divided by potential chargeable value |
Example of an Employee Capacity Report
Step 1: Create report by selecting options in the following screen:
Field Name | Description |
Select date | If date range is selected, the report will only display the total for the date range will not be split into months between the selected date range. |
Select Employees |
* Active and not departed employees
- Include inactive employees
- Include departed employees
The selected list of employees can be grouped by: * Employees (no grouping)
- Division
- Department
- Role (employees will be grouped by their Primary role from the Organisation Chart; if they have more than one role, only the primary role will used for the report.
Step 2: Totaling and Grouping refer to Overview
Step 3: To print report refer to Overview
Step 4: To save report selection options refer to Overview