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Password Security Settings
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User maintenance settings - Password security
This is set for the whole company.
Navigate to File > Administration > User maintenance > Settings
Due to recent events, JobBag has increased the security protocols required when logging in to JobBag. This window allows you to set the security options you wish to implement. eg time limits on passwords and minimum length of password.
JobBag now checks for passwords which have been compromised - you will not be allowed to use a password that has been compromised.
Append system domain
This allows you to remove the email domain when logging on, for example alan.bond@brightidea.com.au will become alan.bond
Password resets
Passwords will need to be reset every 15 weeks, however you can choose to make that more frequently, every week or fortnight for example. You can't extend it beyond 15 weeks.
Minimum password lengths
When you are required to change your password you will now need a special character (!@#$%^&*) along with a capital, lower case and number. The minimum number of characters is set in your database password settings.
Password check by Troy Hunt
JobBag will check the password entered by the user against known password breach files through a service offered by Australian security expert Troy Hunt. Passwords that appear in breach files will not be allowed.