Terms used in JobBag
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    Terms used in JobBag

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    Terms used in JobBag


    AA ‘blank’ – stands for a standard cost item or service. Whatever has been set as mark-up for supplier or employee is applied.

    AC /
    Author's Corrections 
    AC – stands for Author’s Corrections, which means that during production the client has requested a change to the original job specification. Standard defaults apply to any record entered as an Author’s Correction, but they are listed separately in job reports, which means that it is not necessary to open a new job in order to keep the original and new costs separate.
    OC / Our CorrectionsOC – means Our Corrections, indicating that somewhere, somehow, someone in your organisation has made an error and you are repeating or correcting the work. OC costs are recorded separately but treated as standard costs. They appear separately in certain reports as an aid to accurate invoicing.

    Accepted Budget($)This is a Dollar($) amount derived from an Accepted Quote, approved and accepted by the Client. A job cannot have a Budget without having an ‘accepted’ quote/estimate. 
    This is a Dollar($) amount derived from the Timesheets associated with a Task or Phase or Job.
    Actual(H)This is a Time(H) amount in Hours derived from the Timesheets associated with a Task or Phase or Job.

    This is the difference between Planned($) and Actual($).

    Eg., Planned($) - Actual($) = Available($)

    Available ($)

    This is the difference between Planned(H) and Actual(H).

    Eg., Planned(H) - Actual(H) = Available(H)


    Budget, Accepted ($)This is a Dollar($) amount derived from an Accepted Quote, approved and accepted by the Client. A job cannot have a Budget without having an ‘accepted’ quote/estimate.
    Budget, Planned ($)This is a Dollar($) amount derived from tasks that are planned in Job Plan.
    Budget Cost The estimated cost to your organisation that was calculated on the accepted’ quote/estimate on the job. A job only has a budgeted cost when a quote/estimate has been accepted ie. accepted by the client.


    Cancelled (Job Status)A job that did not proceed past the Proposed stage, or one that was Live but did not move to completion and then was cancelled. This is distinct from a Dead job, which is one that was completed and invoiced to the client. Note that a job may not be set as cancelled if there are outstanding orders for it.
    ClientName of the client for whom the Job nominated on the line item is being undertaken.
    Complete (Job Status)A job that has all aspects of the job completed and is ready for invoicing. A job does not have to be Complete to raise an invoice – the Complete status serves merely to allow you to print job reports for just those jobs that are ready for invoicing. 
    CostCost as used in JobBag is the equivalent of ‘net’ in many studios/agencies. It refers to either the actual cost of an item or, in the case of most in-house activities, an assigned amount.

    Charge and value are interchangeable and refer to the marked-up ‘cost’ of any item or service. An often-used equivalent in advertising agencies and graphic design studios is the term ‘gross’. When these terms are used they refer to the chargeable value of the costs allocated to the job.


    Dead (Job Status)A job that has had the final invoice raised or that has been cancelled. A job may not be set as dead if there are outstanding orders for it.
    The System Administrator may allow a Dead job to have costs recorded against it (you are warned that the job is dead) but additional invoices may not be raised for it. The System Administrator may limit who has the privilege of editing costs against Cancelled, Complete and Dead jobs. It is possible to bring a job back to life.
    DoneWhen entering time on timesheets, if you enter zero time in the remaining hours, JobBag ticks the “Done” field.
    This indicates the time you are entering is the final hours for that Kind on this job. The Kind is marked as Complete in the Planning system. If you leave it blank, the Planning system is left untouched.


    EstimateEstimate as used in the Orders window, refers to the estimated cost of the goods or services ordered. It is not the same as the budgeted costs on a job, which are set when you create a quote/estimate.

    An Estimate is an indication of what you believe the job will cost, based on your best estimate of the costs. Therefore, in the absence of any other agreement with your client, you will charge them what the job is actually worth (ie. all time and materials at the chargeable value), not necessarily what you stipulated on the estimate.

    Read more about Estimates →
    ExpensesExpenses are costs incurred for running the business. They can be incurred on various day-to-day activities including travel food and lodging.


    Term What the term means and its context


    Term What the term means and its context


    Term What the term means and its context


    In-houseIn-house costs and charges are figures derived from activities conducted by employees (eg. an artist) or with business machinery (eg. colour laser printer). In-house costs are usually costs for which no invoice has been, nor will be, received. There are some exceptions, for example, courier costs that can be entered via the General Charges window.
    ItemItem (as in Item Codes) usually applies to physical, measurable things (such as laser proofs, and photocopies) which fall within a particular Kind. They are charged to the client at a set amount per unit. Note: The system Administrator has the option of setting JobBag to allow fractional units from File/Preferences/ Jobs.


    Term What the term means and its context


    KindKind (codes) means the kind of goods or services supplied by a subcontractor or generated in-house.
    Kinds are organised by grouping into Categories.


    Leave, AnnualAnnual leave, also known as holiday pay, allows an employee to be paid while taking time off work. 

    Australian full-time and part-time workers get 4 weeks of annual leave for every 12 months worked. Leave begins accumulating from the first day the employee works and they can take leave as soon as they accumulate it. See more on business.gov.au.

    How to apply for Annual or Personal Leave  
    JBX Leave  
    Leave, Sick / Personal / Carer's

    Sick and carer's leave (also known as personal leave) allows an employee take time off to help them deal with:

    • personal illness or injury
    • caring responsibilities
    • family emergencies.
     See more on business.gov.au.

    How to apply for Annual or Personal Leave  
    JBX Leave  
    Live (Job Status)A Live job is in progress with the various activities and processes that have to take place currently being undertaken.
    A Live job can become On hold, Cancelled, Complete or Dead.


    Mark Up or MU%The mark-up percentage is what is applied against the cost on a supplier invoice when it is entered on to a job. Mark-up percentages can be set on each Kind as a default rate. However, you can set special mark-up rates for individual suppliers, for clients and for specific jobs. 
    When a special mark-up has been set, it overrides the default mark-up that has been set on the Kind. The hierarchy for special mark-ups: (each takes precedence over the ones below):
    1. Job 
    2. Client
    3. Supplier
    4. Kind


    Term What the term means and its context


    On Hold (Job Status)A job that is not progressing at this point. It may subsequently be made Live again, or Cancelled or if invoiced, Complete or Dead
    Outstanding InvoicesOutstanding invoices (either house or supplier) are unpaid or partially paid invoices.
    Outstanding OrdersOutstanding orders are purchase orders for which no invoice has been received, or an invoice received that did not fulfil the order.


    Parent Company
    Allows you to link a client to an existing client. this will link a group of clients to their group head office. This will enable you to set charge out rates for all the companies in the group. You will also be able to create reports for a group of companies. How to add a client
    Proposed (Job Status)A Proposed job has quotes/estimates prepared for it, and where the client has not yet approved the job to proceed. Once the client approves the job to proceed the job becomes Live.



    A Quote is a price that you agree to provide the goods or services for and will adhere to provided no changes to the agreement occur.  Therefore, in the absence of any other agreement with your client, the price you quoted is the price you will charge irrespective of what the job actually ends up being worth or costing you.


    RateRate is used to show the hourly rate that an employee or item is to be charged on this entry.
    Rates appear automatically based on the rate that has been set for the Kind/Item, for the client or the job or for the employee.
    The hierarchy for special rates:(each takes precedence over the ones below):
    1. Job
    2. Client
    3. Employee


    SpecificationDescription of the Job, or Brief
    Supplier A Supplier is someone or a business entity that provides services to you at a cost. It is interchangeable with ‘subcontractor’, ‘external costs’, ‘outside costs’ and ‘outside charges’.
    StatusAll jobs in JobBag have a status that identifies what stage a job is at or the stage that is achieved, not the actual activity that is currently being performed. Statuses include:- Proposed, On Hold, Live, Cancelled, Complete, Dead. 


    Term What the term means and its context


    Term What the term means and its context



    Charge and value are interchangeable and refer to the marked-up ‘cost’ of any item or service. An often-used equivalent in advertising agencies and graphic design studios is the term ‘gross’. When these terms are used they refer to the chargeable value of the costs allocated to the job.


    Term What the term means and its context


    Term What the term means and its context


    Term What the term means and its context


    Term What the term means and its context

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